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Office of the President

The Office of the President governs the university through the president and his team. Some of its many functions are:

  • Proposing University policies, statutes, and regulations.
  • Presenting the annual budget and chairing the Leadership Council.
  • Representing the University before national and foreign officials.
  • Representing the University judicially and extrajudicially.

The Office of the Provost, the Office of the Provost for Institutional Management and four vice president offices report to the Office of the President.

All officers remain in their posts as long as they have the confidence of the President. Nevertheless, they are relieved of their duties after serving for three years, although they can be named to an additional term. For more information, review the Regulations of the Organizations of the Office of the President (PDF in Spanish).

About the President

The President, who governs the University, is named to a renewable five-year term by the competent ecclesiastical authority, according to the norms established by the Holy See.

Units of the Office of the President

Office of the Provost

The Office of the Provost is an executive unit that directly supports the President’s administration by coordinating the work of the other units that report to the Office of the President. It defines and oversees institutional analysis, promotes good quality of life among students, manages the library system, and ensures the University’s participation in public policy and international relations.

Guillermo Marshall


Office of the Provost for Institutional Management

It complements the work of the Office of the Provost, focusing on the relationship with entities associated with the University and on aspects of management and institutional development. Together with the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice President for Finance, it must ensure the progress and fulfillment of the development plan.

Patricio Donoso

Provost for Institutional Management

Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs

It is the unit in charge of developing and executing the University’s academic policy. It is led by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Some of its functions include proposing teaching, faculty, student admission and inclusion policies, as well as agreements with other institutions.

Fernando Purcell

Vice President of Academic Affairs

Office of the Vice President for Research

Led by the Vice President for Research, this unit prepares and executes the University's PhD, research and innovation policies. It is also responsible for promoting and executing academic policies regarding publications, artistic creation and intellectual property. Additionally, it is responsible for the operation and coordination of all multidisciplinary research activities organized in the University’s centers.

Pedro Bouchon

Vice President for Research

The Office of the Vice President for International Affairs

This office is responsible for leading and executing the University's international relations policies. This means, among other things, representing the University before international agencies and institutions, managing exchange programs for students and academics, attracting foreign students and promoting the internationalization of the University.

Lilian Ferrer

Vice President for International Affairs

Office of the Vice President for Finance

The unit in charge of developing and executing the University’s economic policy. Led by the Vice President for Finance, it must propose budgetary, financial, economic, personnel, infrastructure and IT policies. It drafts and presents the University’s budget, and is in charge of the internal accounting and auditing processes. It also manages the University’s real estate and all architecture and construction projects.

María Loreto Massanés

Vice President for Finance

Office of the Vice President for Communication & Cultural Outreach

The unit tasked with developing and executing policies for communication, outreach, continuing education, publishing, marketing, and alumni relations. Led by the Vice President for Communication & Cultural Outreach, the office designs, organizes and coordinates communication and marketing policies, and informs the national and international communities about the activities and research of the University’s colleges. It also develops policies for remote learning, editorial content and alumni relations.

Rosa María Lazo

Vice President for Communication