Patricio Donoso Ibáñez
Provost for Institutional Management
The officer who leads the Office of the Provost for Institutional Management.
The Provost for Institutional Management oversees relations with associated organizations, and is tasked with specific duties in institutional management and development.
Along with the Provost and the Vice President for Finance, the officer watches over the development plan’s progress and compliance.
To get a detailed look at the duties of the Provost for Institutional Management, read the Regulations of the Organizations that work with the Office of the President.
Patricio Donoso Ibáñez is a civil engineer from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Master of Science in Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Before being named Provost for Institutional Management, he was Vice President for Finance and Management at UC from 2010 to 2015.
He is a tenured professor at the University's College of Economic and Administrative Sciences, and served as Director of the Center for Management Development and the Advanced Senior Management Program, carried out jointly with the Kellogg Business School in the United States.
Previously, he was a professor and Deputy Director of the College of Engineering. He oversaw the University Centennial Project, and the creation of its Outreach Center, of which he was Executive Director for several years.
He has conducted research on strategy and business administration that was published in various international academic journals. His book “Organizations for Technological Management: International Best Practices” was published in 2008 (Fundación Copec-Universidad Católica).
He has been a strategy and management consultant for key Chilean companies such as AFP Habitat, Aguas Andinas, Anglo American, Codelco, CTI, Embotelladora Andina, Entel, FASA, Grupo Arauco, LAN, Metro, Movistar, SQM, Sopraval, and Unilever, among others.
He has also advised institutions such as Corporación de Administración del Poder Judicial, Tesorería General de la República, Carabineros, SEP (Sistema de Empresas Públicas) and DGAC, among others, and worked with non-profit organizations.
He is currently chairman of the board of the Duoc UC Foundation and is a member of the boards of Dictuc SA, UC Christus Healthcare Network, and Christus Health Corporation.

His Team

Paulina Dreyer
Executive Director, and Director of Studies & Estate Development

José Miguel Burmeister
Director of Legal Affairs

Mónica Arellano
Director of Projects & Philanthropy

Claudia Halabí
Director of Continuing Education

Paulina Rodríguez
Director of Alumni Association

Ignacio Irarrazaval
Director of the Public Policy Center

María Elena González Plitt
Directora de Vinculación con el Medio

Emilio de la Cerda
Director de Patrimonio Cultural

Christopher MacGuire
Director of English UC