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Offices of the Vice Presidents

UC Chile has four offices that assist the President in governing the university. Each of these offices is led by a Vice President appointed by the President.

Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs oversees the development and execution of the University’s academic policy. Led by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, some of its functions include proposing teaching, faculty, student admission and inclusion policies, as well as agreements with other institutions.

Fernando Purcell Torretti

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Office of the Vice President for Research

The Office of the Vice President for Research is the unit in charge of elaborating and executing policies on doctoral studies, research and innovation, academic publications, artistic creation and intellectual property. It coordinates and communicates all multidisciplinary research and knowledge developed at the UC Chile, its hubs and regional stations.

Pedro Bouchon Aguirre

Vice President for Research

Office of the Vice President for International Affairs

This office is responsible for leading and executing the University's international relations policies. This means, among other things, representing the University before international agencies and institutions, managing exchange programs for students and academics, attracting foreign students and promoting the internationalization of the University.

Lilian Ferrer Lagunas

Vice President for International Affairs

Office of the Vice President for Finance

The unit in charge of developing and executing the University’s economic policy. In addition, it proposes budgetary, financial and economic policies, as well as courses of action for personnel, infrastructure and IT systems.

María Loreto Massanés Vogel

Vice President for Finance

Office of the Vice President for Communication & Cultural Outreach

The unit in charge of preparing and executing the University’s communication, outreach, editorial, marketing. Led by the Vice President for Communication & Cultural Outreach, it designs, organizes and coordinates communication and marketing policies.

Rosa María Lazo

Vice President for Communication & Cultural Outreach