Fernando Purcell Torretti
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Leads the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
The Vice President of Academic Affairs is the official in charge of drafting and executing the University’s academic policy.
Among his duties are:
- Proposing academic teaching policies for the undergraduate, Master's, postgraduate, medical specialties and PhD programs.
- Proposing the policies for academic staff and their career development and training.
- Proposing university student admission policies and academic inclusion policies.
- Approving University agreements with other institutions.
To review the duties of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, please read the Regulations of the Organizations that work with the Office of the President.
Fernando Purcell graduated with a degree in History from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He completed a Master's degree and then a PhD in History at the University of California, Davis.
He is a tenured professor at the Institute of History and a researcher at the UC Global Change Center. In August 2018, he took over as Director of the College UC General Studies Program, a position he left in 2020 to become Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Purcell has investigated various topics in North American and Latin American history with an emphasis on transnational and global political and cultural historical processes. He has developed research on the migratory processes of Mexicans, Chileans and Irish during the California Gold Rush; on the influence of Hollywood films in Chile during the first half of the 20th century; and on the United States Peace Corps’ work on community development in South America during the Cold War.

His Team

Ignacia Torres
Executive Director

Gonzalo Pizarro
Academic Director of Teaching

Juan Echeverría
Director of Admissions & Financial Aid

Shirley Booth
Director of the Registrar's Office

Silvana Zanlungo
Director of Academic Development and Gender Equality

Catalina García
Director of Inclusion

Chantal Jouannet
Director Of the Faculty Development Center

Carolina Méndez
Director of Student Affairs

Pablo Marshall
Director of Bachillerato Inicia Program