Pedro Bouchon Aguirre
Vice President for Research
Heads the Office of the Vice President for Research
Leads the Office of the Vice President for Research with the mission of bringing excellence to UC with first-rate research to contribute to the country and the world.
Some duties include:
- Proposing PhD policies and approving or modifying the Colleges' academic programs. Likewise, establishing admissions, benefits and administration processes for said programs.
- Drawing up policies to support research, innovation, intellectual property, technology transfer and artistic creation.
- Ensuring the proper ethical and bioethical execution of research projects.
- Reviewing and approving agreements or associations with other universities.
- He is also the President of the UC Innovation Center Anacleto Angelini.
To learn more about the duties and functions of the Vice President for Research, read the Regulations of the Organizations that work with the Office of the President.
Pedro Bouchon Aguirre is a Civil Industrial Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a PhD from the School of Food Biosciences at the University at Reading University in the United Kingdom.
He is a full professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Bioprocesses of the College of Engineering, and was also director and creator of the Master's in Innovation at UC Chile.
At the time of his appointment, he was Vice Dean of the College of Engineering, and previously was Director of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate Studies at the College of Engineering, and Director of the 2030 Engineering Project.
His lines of research are focused on food design, with an emphasis on microstructures, and transportation and health.

His Team

Diego Cosmelli
Director of PhD Studies & College of Doctorate Programs

María Elena Boisier
Director of Research

Miryam Singer
Director of Arts & Culture

Álvaro Ossa
Director of Transfer & Development

Ramon Molina
Executive Director of UC Anacleto Angelini Innovation Center

Claudia Saez
Director of Ethics & Safety for Research

Eliette Angel
Coordinator of Knowledge Communication Unit

Pamela Fernández
Executive Director