Tenured Professor
A tenured professorship is the highest academic position that our professors can aspire to. Those who become tenured professors display the following traits:
- Show a clear commitment to the University’s mission and principles.
- Participate in the training of students through their teaching work..
- Be widely recognized in their profession for contributing in a meaningful and original way through their research and/or creation..
- Having been an Associate Professor for at least 10 semesters.
- Having been approved by the Council of their College.
- Having been approved by the Leadership Council.
- Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Systems
- Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies
- Faculty of Arts
- Faculty of Biological Sciences
- Faculty of Economics & Business Administration
- Faculty of Social Sciences
- Faculty of Communication
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Physics
- Faculty of History, Geography and Political Science
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Literature
- Faculty of Mathematics
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Chemistry & Pharmacy
- Faculty of Theology
- Villarrica Campus
Faculty of Agricultural and Natural Systems
Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Alejandra Álvarez Rojas launch
Alexis Kalergis Parra launch
Alicia Nogueras Minniti (profesor docente titular) launch
Carolina Serrano Berríos launch
Claudio Latorre Hidalgo launch
Francisco Melo Ledermann launch
Gareth Ivor Owen launch
Juan Larraín Correa launch
Luis Alberto Ebensperger Pesce launch
Luis Larrondo Castro launch
María Estela Andrés Coke launch
María Paz Marzolo Canales launch
Mauricio Lima Arce launch
Miriam Fernández Bergia launch
Pablo Marquet Iturriaga launch
Ricardo Moreno Mauro launch
Rodrigo Gutiérrez Ilabaca launch
Sergio Navarrete Campos launch
Stefan Gelcich Crossley launch
Susan Bueno Ramírez launch
Faculty of Economics & Business Administration
Faculty of Social Sciences
Alejandro Reinoso Medinelli (profesor docente titular) launch
Andrea Repetto Lisboa (pertenece a Escuela de Gobierno) launch
Carlos Eduardo Cornejo Alarcón launch
Chamarrita Farkas Klein launch
Christian Berger Silva launch
Dariela Sharim Kovalskys launch
David Preiss Contreras launch
Diego Cosmelli Sánchez launch
Eduardo Valenzuela Carvallo launch
Felipe Morandé Lavín (pertenece a Escuela de Gobierno) launch
Jorge Manzi Astudillo launch
Katherine Strasser Salinas launch
Marcela Peña Garay launch
Mariane Krause Jacob launch
María Rosa Lissi Adamo launch
María Soledad Herrera Ponce launch
Patricio Cumsille Eltit launch
Pía Santelices Álvarez launch
Ricardo Rosas Díaz launch
Roberto González Gutiérrez launch
Vladimir López Hernández launch
Faculty of Communication
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Philosophy
Faculty of Physics
Faculty of History, Geography and Political Science
Andrea Repetto Lisboa (pertenece a Escuela de Gobierno) launch
Catalina Balmaceda Errázuriz launch
Claudio Rolle Cruz launch
Cristián Henríquez Ruiz launch
Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser launch
David Altman Olin launch
Felipe Morandé Lavín (pertenece a Escuela de Gobierno) launch
Fernando Purcell Torretti arrow_forward
Gabriel Negretto launch
Faculty of Engineering
Andrea Repetto Lisboa (pertenece a Escuela de Gobierno) launch
Andrés Guesalaga Meissner launch
Carlos Bonilla Meléndez launch
Claudia Prieto Vásquez launch
Cristián Tejos Núñez launch
Daniel Hurtado Sepúlveda
Diego Javier Celentano launch
Domingo Mery Quiroz launch
Enzo Sauma Santis launch
Felipe Morandé Lavín (pertenece a Escuela de Gobierno) launch
Franco Pedreschi Plasencia launch
Gloria Arancibia Hernández launch
Gonzalo Pizarro Puccio launch
Hernán De Solminihac Tampier launch
Héctor Jorquera González launch
Jorge Ramos Grez launch
Jorge Vera Andreo launch
José Miguel Cembrano Perasso launch
José Ricardo Pérez Correa launch
Juan Carlos De la Llera Martin launch
Juan Carlos Ferrer Ortiz launch
Juan Carlos Muñoz Abogabir launch
Leonardo Vanzi launch
Luciano Chiang Sánchez launch
Luis Fernando Alarcón Cárdenas launch
Marcelo Arenas Saavedra launch
Miguel Nussbaum Voehl launch
Pablo Barceló Baeza launch
Pablo Irarrázaval Mena launch
Pablo Maturana Barahona launch
Pedro Bouchon Aguirre arrow_forward
René Botnar launch
Ricardo Raineri Bernain launch
Sergio Maturana Valderrama launch
Faculty of Literature
Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Medicine
Alejandro Bruhn Cruz launch
Alejandro Corvalán Rodríguez launch
Arnoldo Riquelme Pérez launch
Attilio Rigotti Rivera launch
Bruno Nervi Nattero launch
Carlos Fardella Bello launch
Cecilia Perret Pérez launch
Felipe Heusser Risopatrón launch
Fernando Altermatt Couratier launch
Francisco Aboitiz Domínguez launch
Gilberto González Vicente (profesor clínico titular) launch
Glenn Hernández Poblete launch
Gonzalo Urcelay Montesinos (profesor clínico titular) launch
Guillermo Bugedo Tarraza launch
Ignacio Sánchez Díaz arrow_forward
Jaime Godoy Fernández launch
Jaime Labarca Labarca launch
Jaime Pereira Garcés launch
Jorge Barros Beck launch
Jorge Carvajal Cabrera launch
Jorge Jalil Milad launch
Jorge Vergara Leyton (profesor clínico titular) launch
José Alejandro Soza Ried launch
José Antonio Castro Rodríguez launch
José Luis Santos Martín launch
Juan Carlos Roa Strauch launch
Juan Cristóbal Gana launch
Juan Francisco Miquel Poblete launch
Julio Urrutia Escobar launch
Katia Abarca Villaseca launch
Klaus Püschel Illanes launch
Lilian Ferrer Lagunas arrow_forward
Lorena Mosso Gómez launch
Luis Alberto Sobrevía Luarte launch
Luis Ignacio Cortínez Fernández launch
Luz María Letelier Saavedra launch
Manuel Álvarez Lobos launch
Marcela Ferrés Garrido launch
Marcelo López Lastra launch
Marco Arrese Jiménez launch
María Paz Ocaranza Jeraldino launch
Mauricio Camus Appuhn launch
Mauricio Cuello Fredes launch
Mónica Acevedo Blanco launch
Nicolás Jarufe Cassis launch
Pablo Castro Gálvez
Paola Casanello Toledo launch
Patricia García Cañete launch
Patricia Valenzuela Contreras launch
Paul Harris Diez launch
Paula Bedregal García launch
Paz Soto Fuentes launch
Pedro Becker Rencoret launch
Rafael Torres Barrenechea launch
Raúl Escobar Henríquez launch
Ricardo Fadic Ruiz launch
Salesa Barja Yáñez launch
Silvana Zanlungo Matsuhiro launch
Tomás Pantoja Calderón launch
Álvaro González Morandé launch