Academic unit: Faculty of Arts

A Journey into the Heart of Wood at Oregon State University
Luis Prato, a professor from the School of Arts, embarked on a captivating research residency in the Department of Wood Science and Engineering at Oregon State…

How Popular is Classical Music in Chile?
Led by UC Chile, the Music and Heritage Research Ring (Animupa) Project brings together four universities in an effort to study classical or art music as a…

Manufacturing Labs Network Boosts Creativity and Innovation in Students
There are currently eight workshops for the development of prototypes and models in different UC Chile campuses. Students and faculty members can work in these…

Patricio de la Cuadra and the sound of digital magic flutes
The musician, engineer, researcher, and professor at the Faculties of Arts and Engineering developed a physical model that is unique in the world: a digital…

Art and Science: A Firm Commitment to Interdisciplinarity
Exploring nanotechnology and neurology is unusual from an art and design point of view. But for the ArTeCiH Contest, that is the goal: to cross the boundaries…