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Academic unit: Office of Projects & Philanthropy

Conoce las noticias de la Dirección de Proyectos y Filantropía, que apoya el impulso de la filantropía, los esfuerzos de fundraising o búsqueda de recursos en todas las facultades y áreas de la universidad, la gestión y desarrollo del Proyecto Endowment y la generación de proyectos especiales que le signifiquen un aporte a la universidad.

Fourteen students and one instructor are posing for the photo in front of a dragon statue, the Drexel University symbol.

Leading the Way Scholarship Recipients Share Lessons Learned After Travelling to USA

This program promotes English learning at UC Chile using methodologies like the Global Classroom, culminating in a five-week study trip to Drexel University in…

Image of donors having their picture taken with a frame that says "we join in".

Giving Day UC Chile Rallies the University Around a Philanthropy Campaign

This initiative, which attracted more than 800 donors and raised over $90 million pesos, is a decisive step in building a culture of philanthropy within the…