Academic unit: Office of the Provost
Consulta las noticias de la Prorrectoría, unidad de apoyo directo al gobierno del rector, encargada de coordinar la labor desarrollada por las otras unidades de la Rectoría. Conoce las direcciones e iniciativas de esta unidad.

ContectIA: UC Chile and Microsoft Join Forces to Boost the Adoption of AI in Chile
The initiative aims to contribute to the digital transformation and development of AI technology, which will impact Chile and Latin America. ConectIA was…

UC Chile Ranked Among Top 100 Universities Worldwide, Achieving Goal 14 Years Ahead of Schedule
UC Chile continues to shine in the QS Rankings 2025 and is now among the world's top 100 institutions. The university’s main strengths continue to be academic…

UC Chile Excels in QS Ranking: Among Global Leaders in 37 Disciplines
Having earned recognition in three additional disciplines compared to the previous year, UC Chile is now ranked among the best institutions in the world in 37…

UC Chile Climbs in Global Rankings, Maintains Top Spot in Chile
After evaluating nearly 2,500 institutions, prestigious British ranking places Universidad Católica among the best universities in the world. Its strengths…

UC Chile Continues its Reign as Latin America's Leader in THE Rankings 2023 for the Fifth Consecutive Year
The eighth edition of THE Latin American University Rankings 2023 includes 197 ranked institutions from 13 countries, 32 of which are Chilean. Excellence in…

Open Science: The Project That Will Make Research Accessible
The initiative will facilitate access to the knowledge generated at UC Chile to the scientific community of Chile and the world.

UC Chile Continues Rank as the Best Chilean University
The latest edition of the prestigious British ranking places the university in the lead among Chilean universities and No. 121 in the world.

UC Chile is ranked best university in Latin America for 2022
For the fifth year in a row, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile has been named Latin America's top university in the QS Ranking.