Academic unit: Office of the Vice President for Communication
Consulta las noticias relacionadas a la Vicerrectoría de Comunicaciones y Extensión Cultural, unidad encargada de gestionar y poner en práctica las políticas comunicacionales, de extensión, editorial, marketing y diseño corporativo.
Puedes revisar parte de su trabajo en su sitio oficial.

Last Year's Most Notable Moments at UC Chile
The first Encuentro x Chile, a search for the next university president, and a major cultural expansion are just some of the milestones that marked 2024 for…

UC Chile Hosts Exhibition to Join in the 100th Birthday Celebration of Eduardo Chillida
The UC-Alameda Extension Center Art Gallery has now joined the global festivities honoring the iconic Basque sculptor with the unveiling of «Eduardo Chillida:

UC Chile Builds and Strengthens Bonds with Middle Eastern Universities
Following a visit to universities in Israel and Palestine for academic enrichment and exchange, UC Chile President Ignacio Sánchez emphasizes the vital role of…

Ban Ki-moon, Former UN Secretary-General, Released his Memoir in Spanish
“Hijo de la guerra, hombre de paz. Unir naciones en un mundo dividido” is the first Spanish edition of Ban Ki-moon’s memoir and the result of the joint…

Safeguarding Chile's Cultural Heritage: from Violeta Parra to Vicente Huidobro
Violeta Parra, Vicente Huidobro, Fernando Castillo Velasco, Ana González, René Combeau, and Jorge Brantmayer are some of the Chilean artists whose collections…