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Academic unit: Office of the Vice President for Communication

Consulta las noticias relacionadas a la Vicerrectoría de Comunicaciones y Extensión Cultural, unidad encargada de gestionar y poner en práctica las políticas comunicacionales, de extensión, editorial, marketing y diseño corporativo.

Puedes revisar parte de su trabajo en su sitio oficial.

A group of students at the UC Chile Future Freshman Expo posing with playful accessories and smiles. (Photo credit: UC Chile)

Last Year's Most Notable Moments at UC Chile

The first Encuentro x Chile, a search for the next university president, and a major cultural expansion are just some of the milestones that marked 2024 for…

Luis Chillida with two women looking at one of his fathers artworks.

UC Chile Hosts Exhibition to Join in the 100th Birthday Celebration of Eduardo Chillida

The UC-Alameda Extension Center Art Gallery has now joined the global festivities honoring the iconic Basque sculptor with the unveiling of «Eduardo Chillida:

University students at UC Chile San Joaquin campus

UC Chile Builds and Strengthens Bonds with Middle Eastern Universities

Following a visit to universities in Israel and Palestine for academic enrichment and exchange, UC Chile President Ignacio Sánchez emphasizes the vital role of…

Close-up of Ban Ki-moon face.

Ban Ki-moon, Former UN Secretary-General, Released his Memoir in Spanish

“Hijo de la guerra, hombre de paz. Unir naciones en un mundo dividido” is the first Spanish edition of Ban Ki-moon’s memoir and the result of the joint…

Hands playing a violin

Safeguarding Chile's Cultural Heritage: from Violeta Parra to Vicente Huidobro

Violeta Parra, Vicente Huidobro, Fernando Castillo Velasco, Ana González, René Combeau, and Jorge Brantmayer are some of the Chilean artists whose collections…