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Keywords: La Tríada

University Presidents David Garza, Raquel Bernal and Ignacio Sánchez.

Shaping the Future: Transformative Education in a Changing World

What are the biggest challenges for education worldwide? What role should universities play in addressing them? What type of education should they provide?

UC Chile joined the International Sustainable Campus Network

In pursuit of our committed goal of carbon neutrality by 2038, UC Chile joined the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN), network that brings…

Photograph of the participants of La Tríada at the Casa Central Campus.

Leading Latin American University Presidents Address Main Higher Education Challenges

Five years after establishing this university alliance, the top officials from UC Chile, Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico, and Universidad de los Andes in…

Close-up of Ban Ki-moon face.

Ban Ki-moon, Former UN Secretary-General, Released his Memoir in Spanish

“Hijo de la guerra, hombre de paz. Unir naciones en un mundo dividido” is the first Spanish edition of Ban Ki-moon’s memoir and the result of the joint…