Keywords: Science

UC Chile Joins the Major Leagues of World Science
The efforts of UC Chile’s researchers have transcended national borders, reaching the global scientific stage through international partnerships and alliances…

Fly Brain Research Provides Insight into Diseases of the Human Brain
A groundbreaking study led by PhD in Biological Sciences, Francisca Rojo, could be key to understanding the development of brain structures and provide new…

Open Science: The Project That Will Make Research Accessible
The initiative will facilitate access to the knowledge generated at UC Chile to the scientific community of Chile and the world.

Amazing Microscope Images taken by Two UC Chile Students Surprise Scientists
Two doctoral students from the Biological Sciences Faculty were recognised for their unique microscopic images showing a group of rat sensory neurons. Whilst…

A painful public health problem
Over 10% of Chile's health care budget goes on treating chronic pain, which is the equivalent of the country's total yearly research investment, including…

Ministry of Health and UC Chile's Study: CoronaVac Vaccine Effectively Prevents Coronavirus Infections
Published in one of the most prestigious medical journals globally, this is the first research that measures more than ten million people vaccinated under…

How to look at the world from other perspectives
The "notion of the body" and "landscapes of memory" are the concepts that give rise to the reflection on two projects that merge science and art. They are…

Art and Science: A Firm Commitment to Interdisciplinarity
Exploring nanotechnology and neurology is unusual from an art and design point of view. But for the ArTeCiH Contest, that is the goal: to cross the boundaries…