Keywords: International Alliances
Fog: The Study that Unites UC Chile and the University of California
Faculty members from UC Chile visited the University of California’s Natural Reserve System to strengthen the relationship between the UC Chile Network of…
Find Out What UC Chile Has Been Researching in Patagonia
The impact of climate change on glaciers and the effects of human activities on the Patagonian ecosystem are just some of the topics studied at the UC Chile…
Applications for the HUC SIC Contest Are Now Open
The HUC Social Ideas Challenge initiative seeks the best ideas that contribute to solving the social and environmental challenges in the context of the…
Learning english along with academic content, one step at a time
The university is preparing to internationalize its curriculum. Thanks to the Ministerial Project for the Internationalization of Undergraduate Studies at UC…
The Long Recovery of Ukraine: Join the Global Academic Solidarity
At UC Chile, we support the Ukrainian Catholic University's international event «Recovery of Ukraine: Global Academic Solidarity» on the 12th of September 2022.
University President attends 27th General Assembly of the International Federation of Catholic Universities
The meeting is held every three years marks the conclusion of the Federation's activities during a three-year period. It brings together rectors and presidents…
Inclusive Technologies Support Literacy and Math Education Around the Globe
The initiatives of the Center for the Development of Inclusive Technologies (CEDETI UC Chile) are being used by faculty, researchers, and communities around…
Ukrainian President Zelensky addresses Latin America at UC Chile
In a videoconference organized by UC Chile, the president of Ukraine, Volodymir Zelenskyy, stressed the importance of knowing the truth about what is happening…
Worldwide students can practice Spanish with UC Chile’s students
In 2022, the Talk2Me Program will accept applications from August 8 to 31.
Friends UC, Our Ally Foundation in the North
Based in the US, this non-profit corporation provides a series of initiatives that support the university being at the forefront of higher education…
The new version of the 3MT® contest is open
For the ninth year, the competition will bring together doctoral students who will speak to a non-specialized audience in English for no more than 3 minutes…
How UC Chile keeps strengtheing its links with Africa
UC Chile signed an agreement with a religious organization that allows its community to volunteer in Kenya. Adding this opportunity to those it already offers…