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Keywords: University Research

Discover all the research that UC Chile does and how it contributes to the country through news about its researchers, discoveries and patents.


Gloved hand holding a patient’s hand

A painful public health problem

Over 10% of Chile's health care budget goes on treating chronic pain, which is the equivalent of the country's total yearly research investment, including…


Chilean and European universities to collaborate in scientific, social, and educational research

A collaboration between Chile-Italy and Chile-France has been created aiming to promote collective research with support from Universidad Católica, Universidad…

Aerial view of the new CAREN center.

Turning Chile into a world food power

The new building of the Carén Center joins the Technological Center for Food Innovation network. The facility will allow UC Chile and the other university…

a man working in front of a computer with lots of wires

New Ways of Thinking about Music from Artificial Intelligence

The international community of composers and researchers in computer music met online for seven days for the world's largest event in this area, organized by…

a row of vials with the word covid - 19 vaccine on them

Ministry of Health and UC Chile's Study: CoronaVac Vaccine Effectively Prevents Coronavirus Infections

Published in one of the most prestigious medical journals globally, this is the first research that measures more than ten million people vaccinated under…

Female student with a mask.

Virtual International Internships for Research

This international association of universities launched a program to connect undergraduate and graduate students with academics to promote scientific…

Patricio de la Cuadra in a brown jacket standing in front of an orange wall

Patricio de la Cuadra and the sound of digital magic flutes

The musician, engineer, researcher, and professor at the Faculties of Arts and Engineering developed a physical model that is unique in the world: a digital…

Vania Macías in a Zoom screen.

Three Minute Thesis® UC Chile 2021 Contest has a Winner!

Vania Macías, a fourth-year student of Biological Sciences, was chosen to represent UC Chile in the international final organized by the U21 network.

Digital clock showing a 3 minute countdown.

The Chilean finale of the 3 Minutes Thesis® is here!

Don't miss the grand final of the 9th version of the "3 Minutes Thesis UC Chile" (3MT® UC Chile) contest, which will be broadcasted via streaming on our…

the large hadron collider at cern

SAPHIR Millennium Institute: what are we made of at a fundamental particle level?

Where did matter come from? What are the laws that govern the subatomic world? What can technological applications be developed from Particle Physics? These…

Power buoy installed in the ocean

Open Sea Lab: The first step to promoting the use of renewable marine energy in Chile

A buoy, anchored two kilometers from the UC Coastal Marine Research Station in Las Cruces, will drive the country's marine renewable energy industry's…

Clownfish swimming

"Lighting Nemo": Why Clownfish Need Their Sleep?

The streetlights on docks or ports are affecting marine life, scientists warn. A new study shows how artificial night light significantly impacts the clownfish…