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Academic unit: Office of the Vice President for Research

Consulta las noticias relacionadas a la Vicerrectoría de Investigación, unidad responsable de desarrollar y aplicar las políticas de doctorado, investigación e innovación, publicaciones académicas, creación artística y propiedad intelectual en la Universidad. Además, coordina y difunde toda la investigación multidisciplinaria y el conocimiento generado en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, sus centros y estaciones regionales.

Conoce el trabajo que se realiza en Investigación en la UC.

(From left to right)  Esperanza Hope, Cristián Fonseca, Dusan Ivelic e Isidora Aliaga.

UC Chile Students Travel to the United States to Participate in the Emerging Creatives Student Summit

The UC Chile Office Arts and Culture awarded four students scholarships to attend the 2023 Emerging Creatives Student Summit, a conference held in Cincinnati…

Woman posing in front of a cut on a hill.

Linking Science and Action Networks from Chile to California: A model for global collaboration

Lisa Micheli, president, and CEO of Pepperwood Foundation of California, toured the UC Chile network and regional stations. This column describes her…

Authorities from UC Chile and NUS are posing for the camera.

University Strengthens Global Collaboration Ties at U21 Meeting

The University President and two Vice Presidents recently attended the annual Universitas 21 meeting in Australia, where they discussed the role of higher…

Two young men and one woman are discussing during a manufacturing workshop.

Manufacturing Labs Network Boosts Creativity and Innovation in Students

There are currently eight workshops for the development of prototypes and models in different UC Chile campuses. Students and faculty members can work in these…

Photo: Dientes de Navarino. In the back are brown and green hills. In the front are some white and brown roots above the green grass. In the middle of both is water.

CHIC Project: A Look at Climate Change from the Far Reaches of the World

The Cape Horn International Center, a consortium of seven universities, seeks to study and monitor how sub-Antarctic ecosystems respond to climate change.

In Punta Arenas a big group of researchers from Sweden and Chile are smiling to the camera. The landscape is full of green trees and grass.

Collaboration Between Chile and Sweden Brings Promising New Benefits

Nearly 200 researchers from both countries met in Punta Arenas to discuss and share their experiences. They worked together intensively for an entire week in…

Scientist with mask handling a pipette.

Working on neglected diseases in Chile

In a column written by Dr. Luis Pizarro and Pedro Bouchon they explain the urgency for countries like ours to tackle Neglected Diseases and the advantage for…

A woman and a man are investigating in a boat in the Aysén Region.

Find Out What UC Chile Has Been Researching in Patagonia

The impact of climate change on glaciers and the effects of human activities on the Patagonian ecosystem are just some of the topics studied at the UC Chile…

A woman is writing in a whiteboard with a red marker while a group of young women are paying attention to her.

UC Chile Plans to Bridge the Gender Gap in Research

At the heart of the InES Gender Program is ensuring equal career advancement for women and men in research, evenly distributing workloads, and promoting female…

A man is holding a tablet with an AI app.

Amazing AI Initiatives Lead by the University

Many problems affecting modern society can be addressed through artificial intelligence. Here are eight fascinating initiatives led by UC Chile faculty that…

A young man is watching through a microscope, while a woman is supervising him.

Open Science: The Project That Will Make Research Accessible

The initiative will facilitate access to the knowledge generated at UC Chile to the scientific community of Chile and the world.

People observing a cactus.

UC Chile signs an agreement with the University of California and its 41 nature reserves for joint research

To promote collaborative studies and investigate the causes and effects of climate change on biodiversity, to monitor socio-ecological processes in arid lands…