Academic unit: Office of the Vice President for Research
Consulta las noticias relacionadas a la Vicerrectoría de Investigación, unidad responsable de desarrollar y aplicar las políticas de doctorado, investigación e innovación, publicaciones académicas, creación artística y propiedad intelectual en la Universidad. Además, coordina y difunde toda la investigación multidisciplinaria y el conocimiento generado en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, sus centros y estaciones regionales.
Conoce el trabajo que se realiza en Investigación en la UC.
UC Chile Atacama Station: A Role Model in the Study of Fog
Fog could be a key source of freshwater. It is why the research station is preparing a fog map and conducting studies on the composition of fog to make the…
Chilean and European universities to collaborate in scientific, social, and educational research
A collaboration between Chile-Italy and Chile-France has been created aiming to promote collective research with support from Universidad Católica, Universidad…
Turning Chile into a world food power
The new building of the Carén Center joins the Technological Center for Food Innovation network. The facility will allow UC Chile and the other university…
Patricio de la Cuadra and the sound of digital magic flutes
The musician, engineer, researcher, and professor at the Faculties of Arts and Engineering developed a physical model that is unique in the world: a digital…
Chile - Sweden platform launches joint doctoral courses program
Chilean and Swedish universities grouped on the ACCESS platform will participate in the joint call to promote doctoral courses for both countries. They want to…
Open Sea Lab: The first step to promoting the use of renewable marine energy in Chile
A buoy, anchored two kilometers from the UC Coastal Marine Research Station in Las Cruces, will drive the country's marine renewable energy industry's…
Golden Webinars in Astrophysics series continues presenting ground-breaking ideas!
The 'Golden Webinars in Astrophysics' series brings you forefront research from scientists, who have significantly contributed to astronomy, astrophysics, and…
The new stage of the UC Patagonia Station
The decree signed by the Ministry of National Assets ensures the continuation of the work carried out by the UC for over a decade. The work -in one of the last…
World Economic Forum Highlights 2 UC Researchers
Francisca Garay seeks to understand the behavior of tiny particles. Diego García-Huidobro aims to reduce childhood obesity and addictions with family-centered…
Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS): Astronomy in the Big Data Era
The Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS) was selected in the project contest for institutes and millennium nuclei 2012, and is jointly developed by the…
Atacama Desert Research Station: A Desert Full of Discoveries
In the world’s driest desert, Universidad Católica has established the country’s first research center focused on the components of this unique ecosystem: the…